Radhika Rukmangadhan

Data journalist and business reporter
based in New York City

Welcome to my portfolio!


Data journalism

Highlighted below are a selection of my data-centric projects. I used python/pandas for data analysis, BeautifulSoup for web scraping, Datawrapper for visual representation, Regex for pattern searching, and APIs for data integration. Additionally, I employed Playwright for automated browser testing.

This project uses 3D visuals and scrollytelling for an explanation of the elements of a Van Gogh masterpiece.

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A salmon haven that turned brown

Butte Creek
Charts Ai2html Scrollytelling

This project uses data and visuals to tell the story of Butte Creek, a salmon haven in California that turned brown.

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This project analyzes and visualizes precipitation data from the National Weather Service.

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This project automatically scrapes, processes, and visualizes the US Department of Labor's weekly jobless claims data.

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This project scrapes, processes, and analyzes a comprehensive list of films and critics from the BBC website and visualizes the film's directors by their country of origin on a map.

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Our analysis found that some of the key accessible stations in midtown Manhattan such as the ones in Port Authority and Bryant Park are regularly out of service.

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Used python/pandas to scrape, analyze and compare drug prices in the US and the rest of the world. Used Datawrapper to visualize the data.

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Business reporting

Featured below is some of my business reporting. I have written spot news, feature-length and long form stories. I have interviewed industry leaders, company CEOs and sector experts to deliver in-depth, stories about US and UK companies and the economy.

Reuters: Britain's Britvic Plc announced the closure of its Norwich factory ...

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Reuters: UK housebuilder Crest Nicholson Holdings Plc pointed to Brexit-related barriers to new house ...

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Reuters: British fashion chain French Connection Group Plc said it was close to returning to profit and disclosed it ...

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Reuters: Lockheed Martin Corp said it would offer a modified version of its T-50 training jet developed jointly ...

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Reuters: Textron Inc, the maker of Beechcraft and Cessna aircraft and Bell helicopters, reported a better-than-expected quarterly profit ...

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Reuters: Hyatt Hotels Corp said its payment processing system was infected with credit-card-stealing malware in an attack ...

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About me

Hi, I'm a journalist and I love to write, analyze and visualize data, and produce compelling data stories from start to finish.

My extensive background in business and economic reporting, and engineering helps me merge rigorous data-driven reporting with eye-catching visuals.

I am currently pursuing a master’s in data journalism at Columbia Journalism School to hone my coding skills and write with data. Previously, I worked as an editor at Moody’s, a credit ratings agency, and as a business correspondent at Reuters, a wire news service.